Adviseurs industriële veiligheid voor Seveso bedrijven en veiligheidsregio’s

Adviseurs industriële veiligheid voor BRZO bedrijven en veiligheidsregio’s


Introduction to Kappetijn Safety Specialists

Kappetijn Safety Specialists: industrial safety consultants for Seveso companies, harbor areas, industrial complexes and public/municipal and private/industrial fire departments. We are a highly specialized company. We are closely connected to other professionals, and we regularly work together with a nearby company specializing in fire service and industrial training courses.

Kappetijn prepares Seveso companies and public and industrial fire departments for how to deal with fires, spills, crisis scenarios and interruptions of daily business. We provide advice on business continuity, prevention of production loss and crisis management. Our experience enables us to perform international benchmarks and provide expert advice on effectiveness of outsourcing.

Many of our services are found on the right side of the bowtie model, among which: strengthening of emergency response organizations, industrial fire services, crisis management education of key roles on level 3 and 4, and training of crisis teams.

The consultants at Kappetijn help our clients in various ways throughout developments and projects. Kappetijn provides:

    1. Consultancy services
    2. Education & training
    3. Interim services

We specialize in Mutual Aid set-ups: projects in which industry, safety authorities or municipal fire services, and harbor authorities jointly prepare for incident and crisis management. Either by preparing shared alarming and support procedures or by setting up an organization for firefighting, rescue and hazmat services that is governed and paid for by parties jointly.

Kappetijn is an active member of Joiff (Joint Oil Industry Fire Forum), an independent association for high risk organizations and oil & gas industry worldwide. With the membership of Joiff, Kappetijn performs research worldwide into Mutual Aid and effective dimensioning and budgeting of industrial fire services.

Mutual Aid & Public Private Partnership

In port and industrial areas, safety, sustainability and economic development are closely related. A ‘calamity proof’ environment is in the interest of companies, the port authority, and government authorities.


SOHAR Port is a deep-sea port in Oman. The port has an ideal location for the import and export of a wide variety of cargo. And so it is important for a port like that to have an adequately equipped emergency response organization