Adviseurs industriële veiligheid voor Seveso bedrijven en veiligheidsregio’s

Adviseurs industriële veiligheid voor BRZO bedrijven en veiligheidsregio’s

Mutual Aid / PPP

Port and industrial areas are developing rapidly worldwide due to economic developments. Societal growth and prosperity are often anchored in such economic developments. An essential factor in deciding to settle in an area is the availability of suitable and modern safety provisions that are based on international standards and guidelines and are anchored in local rules and regulations, so they are sustainable.

Coming to, and maintaining a specific level of safety is the primary responsibility of the organization that sets specific risks. A safe process in safely designed constructions with adequate safety installations. Moreover, suitable emergency equipment, and responders that are educated and trained to use it, fit for the credible scenarios we fear. Parts of these responsibilities can be met through partnerships with other organizations in the area that have similar responsibilities to manage their risks: a Mutual Aid.

Mutual Aid can come in various appearances: light connections with only elementary procedures to help each other with vehicles and equipment in case of a (large) emergency, and heavy multi-million dollar concepts that deliver on and off-site emergency services and maritime and hazmat incident management in a single area as a whole. Such constructions can appear without any form of authorities or public aid services. However, when they come with these authorities, they are called a Public Private Partnerships (PPP).

In established port and industrial areas, Mutual Aid and PPP is a frequently used concept. After the Buncefield tankfire of 2005, MA/PPP were developed both nationally and internationally; the Rotterdam-area has accommodated a large PPP of over 60 Seveso-companies and the City of Rotterdam since 1998. Every part of the world has its best practices. The research project that Kappetijn, with support of Joiff, has started, aims to make those best practices visible and make them available for the membership of Joiff. For those that are in a developing port and industrial area, for those that want to benchmark their local situation and for those that want to learn and improve.


  Alex Vinogradov supporting information
  Alex Vinogradov – Silica Foams for Fire Prevention and Firefighting (2015)
  Helmut Hetzer – Siloxane-based AFF testing of experimental foam concentrates
  Helmut Hetzer et al – Fire testing a new fluorine-free AFFF (2014)
  Kuprin – Physical-chemical explanation of firefighting efficiency of FHF based on silica particles (2016)
  Popa et al – Clean water mist technology used to suppress ethanol pool fires (2013)
  Zhoa – The feasibility study of extinguishing oil tank fire by using compressed air foam system (2016)
  Dr. Kirtland P. Clark – Chemguard presentation LASTFires (2007)
  Cold Fire AS MSDS
  Cold Fire MSDS (2)
  Evapostop disc consolidated report Sasol
  Paper Coldfire (R9902737)
  Baohua Tang paper – Oleophobic Modification of Hollow Glass (2014)
  Presentatie Gez. Brandweer projectbeschrijving alternatieve blusmiddelen
  Presentatie Niall Ramsden – LASTFire: other options
  Olaya Perez – Report Aerogel blankets (2012)
  Trelleborg Datasheet DryFoam

  Alex Vinogradov supporting information
  Alex Vinogradov – Silica Foams for Fire Prevention and Firefighting (2015)
  Helmut Hetzer – Siloxane-based AFF testing of experimental foam concentrates
  Helmut Hetzer et al – Fire testing a new fluorine-free AFFF (2014)
  Kuprin – Physical-chemical explanation of firefighting efficiency of FHF based on silica particles (2016)
  Popa et al – Clean water mist technology used to suppress ethanol pool fires (2013)
  Zhoa – The feasibility study of extinguishing oil tank fire by using compressed air foam system (2016)
  Dr. Kirtland P. Clark – Chemguard presentation LASTFires (2007)
  Cold Fire AS MSDS
  Cold Fire MSDS (2)
  Evapostop disc consolidated report Sasol
  Paper Coldfire (R9902737)
  Baohua Tang paper – Oleophobic Modification of Hollow Glass (2014)
  Presentatie Gez. Brandweer projectbeschrijving alternatieve blusmiddelen
  Presentatie Niall Ramsden – LASTFire: other options
  Olaya Perez – Report Aerogel blankets (2012)
  Trelleborg Datasheet DryFoam

  Alex Vinogradov supporting information
  Alex Vinogradov – Silica Foams for Fire Prevention and Firefighting (2015)
  Helmut Hetzer – Siloxane-based AFF testing of experimental foam concentrates
  Helmut Hetzer et al – Fire testing a new fluorine-free AFFF (2014)
  Kuprin – Physical-chemical explanation of firefighting efficiency of FHF based on silica particles (2016)
  Popa et al – Clean water mist technology used to suppress ethanol pool fires (2013)
  Zhoa – The feasibility study of extinguishing oil tank fire by using compressed air foam system (2016)
  Dr. Kirtland P. Clark – Chemguard presentation LASTFires (2007)
  Cold Fire AS MSDS
  Cold Fire MSDS (2)
  Evapostop disc consolidated report Sasol
  Paper Coldfire (R9902737)
  Baohua Tang paper – Oleophobic Modification of Hollow Glass (2014)
  Presentatie Gez. Brandweer projectbeschrijving alternatieve blusmiddelen
  Presentatie Niall Ramsden – LASTFire: other options
  Olaya Perez – Report Aerogel blankets (2012)
  Trelleborg Datasheet DryFoam

  Alex Vinogradov supporting information
  Alex Vinogradov – Silica Foams for Fire Prevention and Firefighting (2015)
  Helmut Hetzer – Siloxane-based AFF testing of experimental foam concentrates
  Helmut Hetzer et al – Fire testing a new fluorine-free AFFF (2014)
  Kuprin – Physical-chemical explanation of firefighting efficiency of FHF based on silica particles (2016)
  Popa et al – Clean water mist technology used to suppress ethanol pool fires (2013)
  Zhoa – The feasibility study of extinguishing oil tank fire by using compressed air foam system (2016)
  Dr. Kirtland P. Clark – Chemguard presentation LASTFires (2007)
  Cold Fire AS MSDS
  Cold Fire MSDS (2)
  Evapostop disc consolidated report Sasol
  Paper Coldfire (R9902737)
  Baohua Tang paper – Oleophobic Modification of Hollow Glass (2014)
  Presentatie Gez. Brandweer projectbeschrijving alternatieve blusmiddelen
  Presentatie Niall Ramsden – LASTFire: other options
  Olaya Perez – Report Aerogel blankets (2012)
  Trelleborg Datasheet DryFoam

  Alex Vinogradov supporting information
  Alex Vinogradov – Silica Foams for Fire Prevention and Firefighting (2015)
  Helmut Hetzer – Siloxane-based AFF testing of experimental foam concentrates
  Helmut Hetzer et al – Fire testing a new fluorine-free AFFF (2014)
  Kuprin – Physical-chemical explanation of firefighting efficiency of FHF based on silica particles (2016)
  Popa et al – Clean water mist technology used to suppress ethanol pool fires (2013)
  Zhoa – The feasibility study of extinguishing oil tank fire by using compressed air foam system (2016)
  Dr. Kirtland P. Clark – Chemguard presentation LASTFires (2007)
  Cold Fire AS MSDS
  Cold Fire MSDS (2)
  Evapostop disc consolidated report Sasol
  Paper Coldfire (R9902737)
  Baohua Tang paper – Oleophobic Modification of Hollow Glass (2014)
  Presentatie Gez. Brandweer projectbeschrijving alternatieve blusmiddelen
  Presentatie Niall Ramsden – LASTFire: other options
  Olaya Perez – Report Aerogel blankets (2012)
  Trelleborg Datasheet DryFoam

  Alex Vinogradov supporting information
  Alex Vinogradov – Silica Foams for Fire Prevention and Firefighting (2015)
  Helmut Hetzer – Siloxane-based AFF testing of experimental foam concentrates
  Helmut Hetzer et al – Fire testing a new fluorine-free AFFF (2014)
  Kuprin – Physical-chemical explanation of firefighting efficiency of FHF based on silica particles (2016)
  Popa et al – Clean water mist technology used to suppress ethanol pool fires (2013)
  Zhoa – The feasibility study of extinguishing oil tank fire by using compressed air foam system (2016)
  Dr. Kirtland P. Clark – Chemguard presentation LASTFires (2007)
  Cold Fire AS MSDS
  Cold Fire MSDS (2)
  Evapostop disc consolidated report Sasol
  Paper Coldfire (R9902737)
  Baohua Tang paper – Oleophobic Modification of Hollow Glass (2014)
  Presentatie Gez. Brandweer projectbeschrijving alternatieve blusmiddelen
  Presentatie Niall Ramsden – LASTFire: other options
  Olaya Perez – Report Aerogel blankets (2012)
  Trelleborg Datasheet DryFoam

  Alex Vinogradov supporting information
  Alex Vinogradov – Silica Foams for Fire Prevention and Firefighting (2015)
  Helmut Hetzer – Siloxane-based AFF testing of experimental foam concentrates
  Helmut Hetzer et al – Fire testing a new fluorine-free AFFF (2014)
  Kuprin – Physical-chemical explanation of firefighting efficiency of FHF based on silica particles (2016)
  Popa et al – Clean water mist technology used to suppress ethanol pool fires (2013)
  Zhoa – The feasibility study of extinguishing oil tank fire by using compressed air foam system (2016)
  Dr. Kirtland P. Clark – Chemguard presentation LASTFires (2007)
  Cold Fire AS MSDS
  Cold Fire MSDS (2)
  Evapostop disc consolidated report Sasol
  Paper Coldfire (R9902737)
  Baohua Tang paper – Oleophobic Modification of Hollow Glass (2014)
  Presentatie Gez. Brandweer projectbeschrijving alternatieve blusmiddelen
  Presentatie Niall Ramsden – LASTFire: other options
  Olaya Perez – Report Aerogel blankets (2012)
  Trelleborg Datasheet DryFoam

  Alex Vinogradov supporting information
  Alex Vinogradov – Silica Foams for Fire Prevention and Firefighting (2015)
  Helmut Hetzer – Siloxane-based AFF testing of experimental foam concentrates
  Helmut Hetzer et al – Fire testing a new fluorine-free AFFF (2014)
  Kuprin – Physical-chemical explanation of firefighting efficiency of FHF based on silica particles (2016)
  Popa et al – Clean water mist technology used to suppress ethanol pool fires (2013)
  Zhoa – The feasibility study of extinguishing oil tank fire by using compressed air foam system (2016)
  Dr. Kirtland P. Clark – Chemguard presentation LASTFires (2007)
  Cold Fire AS MSDS
  Cold Fire MSDS (2)
  Evapostop disc consolidated report Sasol
  Paper Coldfire (R9902737)
  Baohua Tang paper – Oleophobic Modification of Hollow Glass (2014)
  Presentatie Gez. Brandweer projectbeschrijving alternatieve blusmiddelen
  Presentatie Niall Ramsden – LASTFire: other options
  Olaya Perez – Report Aerogel blankets (2012)
  Trelleborg Datasheet DryFoam

  Alex Vinogradov supporting information
  Alex Vinogradov – Silica Foams for Fire Prevention and Firefighting (2015)
  Helmut Hetzer – Siloxane-based AFF testing of experimental foam concentrates
  Helmut Hetzer et al – Fire testing a new fluorine-free AFFF (2014)
  Kuprin – Physical-chemical explanation of firefighting efficiency of FHF based on silica particles (2016)
  Popa et al – Clean water mist technology used to suppress ethanol pool fires (2013)
  Zhoa – The feasibility study of extinguishing oil tank fire by using compressed air foam system (2016)
  Dr. Kirtland P. Clark – Chemguard presentation LASTFires (2007)
  Cold Fire AS MSDS
  Cold Fire MSDS (2)
  Evapostop disc consolidated report Sasol
  Paper Coldfire (R9902737)
  Baohua Tang paper – Oleophobic Modification of Hollow Glass (2014)
  Presentatie Gez. Brandweer projectbeschrijving alternatieve blusmiddelen
  Presentatie Niall Ramsden – LASTFire: other options
  Olaya Perez – Report Aerogel blankets (2012)
  Trelleborg Datasheet DryFoam

  Alex Vinogradov supporting information
  Alex Vinogradov – Silica Foams for Fire Prevention and Firefighting (2015)
  Helmut Hetzer – Siloxane-based AFF testing of experimental foam concentrates
  Helmut Hetzer et al – Fire testing a new fluorine-free AFFF (2014)
  Kuprin – Physical-chemical explanation of firefighting efficiency of FHF based on silica particles (2016)
  Popa et al – Clean water mist technology used to suppress ethanol pool fires (2013)
  Zhoa – The feasibility study of extinguishing oil tank fire by using compressed air foam system (2016)
  Dr. Kirtland P. Clark – Chemguard presentation LASTFires (2007)
  Cold Fire AS MSDS
  Cold Fire MSDS (2)
  Evapostop disc consolidated report Sasol
  Paper Coldfire (R9902737)
  Baohua Tang paper – Oleophobic Modification of Hollow Glass (2014)
  Presentatie Gez. Brandweer projectbeschrijving alternatieve blusmiddelen
  Presentatie Niall Ramsden – LASTFire: other options
  Olaya Perez – Report Aerogel blankets (2012)
  Trelleborg Datasheet DryFoam

  Alex Vinogradov supporting information
  Alex Vinogradov – Silica Foams for Fire Prevention and Firefighting (2015)
  Helmut Hetzer – Siloxane-based AFF testing of experimental foam concentrates
  Helmut Hetzer et al – Fire testing a new fluorine-free AFFF (2014)
  Kuprin – Physical-chemical explanation of firefighting efficiency of FHF based on silica particles (2016)
  Popa et al – Clean water mist technology used to suppress ethanol pool fires (2013)
  Zhoa – The feasibility study of extinguishing oil tank fire by using compressed air foam system (2016)
  Dr. Kirtland P. Clark – Chemguard presentation LASTFires (2007)
  Cold Fire AS MSDS
  Cold Fire MSDS (2)
  Evapostop disc consolidated report Sasol
  Paper Coldfire (R9902737)
  Baohua Tang paper – Oleophobic Modification of Hollow Glass (2014)
  Presentatie Gez. Brandweer projectbeschrijving alternatieve blusmiddelen
  Presentatie Niall Ramsden – LASTFire: other options
  Olaya Perez – Report Aerogel blankets (2012)
  Trelleborg Datasheet DryFoam

(Inter)nationale succesverhalen over veiligheidssamenwerking

Meer veiligheid tegen minder meerkosten: een interessant perspectief voor de gebiedsbeheerder, overheden en bedrijven binnen en buiten de juridische kaders van BRZO en ISPS. Maar wat komt er allemaal kijken bij de vorming van een Mutual Aid of PPS?